What is Mapka and how to use it?
Mapka is a web-based map application that allows you to interact with spatial data and information from various sources, such as the cadastre of real estate, the register of addresses, the register of land, the reference geodetic points, the raster maps from the archive, as well as the digital model of relief (terrain), orthophotos, and geographical names. It is a comprehensive tool for displaying, searching, and analyzing spatial data and map services from ZBGIS, ESKN. In this article, we will show you what are the benefits of using Mapka, how to access it, and how to use it for your needs.
What is Mapka?
Mapka is a Slovak word that means "little map". It is also the name of a web-based map application that was developed by the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚGKK SR). Mapka is based on the ZBGIS (Spatial Basic Information System) platform, which is a national spatial data infrastructure that integrates various spatial data sets and services from different sources and domains. Mapka provides access to digital data from the cadastre of real estate (ESKN), which is the official register of land parcels, buildings, and owners in Slovakia. Mapka also provides access to other spatial data sets and services, such as:
The register of addresses (RUIAN), which contains information about street names, house numbers, postal codes, municipalities, districts, regions, etc.
The register of land (LPIS), which contains information about land use, land cover, agricultural parcels, ecological focus areas, etc.
The reference geodetic points (RGB), which are fixed points on the ground that serve as reference for geodetic measurements and coordinate systems.
The raster maps from the archive (ARCHIV), which are historical maps from different periods and scales that show the evolution of the territory and landscape.
The digital model of relief (DMR), which is a representation of the shape and height of the terrain surface.
The orthophotos (OFM), which are aerial images that are geometrically corrected to match the map projection.
The geographical names (GN), which are official names of geographical features and places in Slovakia.
What are the benefits of using Mapka?
Mapka is a useful tool for anyone who needs to work with spatial data and information in Slovakia. Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist, a student or a teacher, a researcher or a journalist, a public servant or a citizen, you can benefit from using Mapka in many ways. Some of the benefits are:
You can access up-to-date and reliable spatial data and information from various sources in one place.
You can search for spatial data and information by different criteria, such as address, parcel number, owner name, map view, location, external data sources, or web services.
You can view and analyze spatial data and information on an interactive map that allows you to customize the display and layers, measure distances, areas, and heights, get coordinates, elevation profiles, and object details.You can create and export map outputs, such as print or save maps as PDF files, or share maps via social media or email.
How to access Mapka?
Requirements and compatibility
To access Mapka, you need a device with an internet connection and a web browser that supports HTML5 and JavaScript. Mapka is compatible with most modern web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, etc. However, some older browsers, such as Internet Explorer 11 or lower, may not support all the features and functions of Mapka. Therefore, it is recommended to use the latest version of your preferred web browser for the best user experience.
Steps to access Mapka
Accessing Mapka is easy and free. You do not need to register or log in to use Mapka. You can access Mapka by following these simple steps:
Go to the official website of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚGKK SR) at .
On the homepage, click on the "Mapka" icon on the top right corner of the screen.
You will be redirected to the Mapka web application at .
You can start using Mapka by searching for spatial data and information, viewing and analyzing them on the map, or creating and exporting map outputs.
How to use Mapka?
How to search for spatial data and information?
Mapka allows you to search for spatial data and information by different criteria, such as address, parcel number, owner name, map view, location, external data sources, or web services. You can use the search box on the top left corner of the screen to enter your search query. You can also use the advanced search options by clicking on the "More" button next to the search box. Depending on your search criteria, you will get different results that will be displayed on the map and on the left panel of the screen. You can click on any result to get more details about it.
mapka katastra nehnuteľností
mapka základná mapa
mapka mapový klient ZBGIS
mapka referenčné geodetické body
mapka geografické názvoslovie
mapka digitálny model reliéfu
mapka ortofotosnímky
mapka rastrové mapy z archívu
mapka register adries
mapka register pôdy LPIS
mapka katastrálna mapa online
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa parcely
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa vlastníka
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa čísla listu vlastníctva
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa obce
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa ulice a čísla domu
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa súradníc
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa GPS
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa QR kódu
mapka katastrálna mapa podľa kódu KN
mapka zobrazenie hraníc pozemkov na mape
mapka zobrazenie hraníc pozemkov na leteckej snímke
mapka zobrazenie hraníc pozemkov na satelitnej snímke
mapka zobrazenie hraníc pozemkov na 3D mape
mapka zobrazenie hraníc pozemkov na historických mápach
mapka vyhľadávanie nehnuteľností na mape
mapka vyhľadávanie nehnuteľností na leteckej snímke
mapka vyhľadávanie nehnuteľností na satelitnej snímke
mapka vyhľadávanie nehnuteľností na 3D mape
mapka vyhľadávanie nehnuteľností na historických mápach
mapka meranie vzdialeností a plochy na mape
mapka meranie vzdialeností a plochy na leteckej snímke
mapka meranie vzdialeností a plochy na satelitnej snímke
mapka meranie vzdialeností a plochy na 3D mape
mapka meranie vzdialeností a plochy na historických mápach
mapka tlačenie a exportovanie máp do PDF, PNG, JPG, SVG, KML, GPX, GeoJSON, CSV, SHP, DXF, DWG, DGN, GML, WKT, WKB, GeoTIFF, GeoPackage, SQLite, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle Spatial/Locator, MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server/Spatial Server/Compact Edition/Express Edition/LocalDB/Azure SQL Database/Azure SQL Data Warehouse/Azure Cosmos DB/Azure Synapse Analytics/Azure HDInsight/Azure Data Lake Analytics/Azure Databricks/Azure Stream Analytics/Azure Analysis Services/Azure Machine Learning/Azure Cognitive Services/Azure Maps/Azure Spatial Anchors/Azure Location Based Services (LBS)/Azure Geospatial Services (AGS)/Azure Geospatial Analytics (AGA)/Azure Geospatial Intelligence (AGI)/Azure Geospatial Insights (AGI)/Azure Geospatial Solutions (AGS)/Azure Geospatial Platform (AGP)
By address, parcel number, or owner name
If you want to search for spatial data and information by address, parcel number, or owner name, you can use the following steps:
Select the "Address", "Parcel number", or "Owner name" option from the drop-down menu next to the search box.
Type in your search query in the search box. For example, if you want to search for an address, you can type in the street name, house number, postal code, municipality, district, or region. If you want to search for a parcel number, you can type in the parcel identifier (ID), which consists of four numbers separated by dashes. If you want to search for an owner name, you can type in the first name, last name, or company name of the owner.
Press the "Enter" key or click on the "Search" button to start your search.
You will get a list of results that match your search query on the left panel of the screen. You can click on any result to see more details about it on the map and on the bottom panel of the screen.
By map view or location
If you want to search for spatial data and information by map view or location, you can use the following steps:
Select the "Map view" or "Location" option from the drop-down menu next to the search box.
For the "Map view" option, you can use the zoom and pan tools on the top right corner of the screen to adjust the map to your desired area of interest. For the "Location" option, you can use the geolocation tool on the bottom right corner of the screen to locate your current position on the map, or you can click on any point on the map to get its coordinates.
Press the "Enter" key or click on the "Search" button to start your search.
You will get a list of results that are within your map view or location on the left panel of the screen. You can click on any result to see more details about it on the map and on the bottom panel of the screen.
By external data sources or web services
If you want to search for spatial data and information by external data sources or web services, you can use the following steps:
Select the "External data sources" or "Web services" option from the drop-down menu next to the search box.
For the "External data sources" option, you can choose from a list of available data sources that are provided by other organizations or institutions, such as Eurostat, OpenStreetMap, Copernicus, etc. For the "Web services" option, you can enter the URL of any web service that supports OGC standards, such as WMS, WFS, WCS, etc.
Press the "Enter" key or click on the "Search" button to start your search.
You will get a list of results that are from your selected external data source or web service on the left panel of the screen. You can click on any result to see more details about it on the map and on the bottom panel of the screen.
How to view and analyze spatial data and information?
Mapka allows you to view and analyze spatial data and information on an interactive map that offers various tools and functions. You can customize the map display and layers, measure distances, areas, and heights, get coordinates, elevation profiles, and object details. You can also use the table below to compare some of the main features and functions of Mapka with other popular map applications, such as Google Maps, Bing Maps, or OpenStreetMap.
Google Maps
Bing Maps
Base map
ZBGIS base map with various themes and scales
Google base map with satellite, terrain, and street view options
Bing base map with aerial, road, and bird's eye view options
OpenStreetMap base map with various styles and layers
Data sources
Cadastre of real estate, register of addresses, register of land, reference geodetic points, raster maps from the archive, digital model of relief, orthophotos, geographical names, external data sources, web services
Google Places, Google Traffic, Google Transit, Google Earth, Google Street View, external data sources, web services
Bing Places, Bing Traffic, Bing Transit, Bing Streetside, external data sources, web services
OpenStreetMap data, external data sources, web services
Search options
By address, parcel number, owner name, map view, location, external data sources, web services
By address, place name, coordinates, map view, location
By address, place name, coordinates, map view, location
By address, place name, coordinates, map view, location
Display options
Customize the map display and layers, change the map projection and coordinate system, switch between 2D and 3D modes
Customize the map display and layers, change the map style and zoom level, switch between 2D and 3D modes
Customize the map display and layers, change the map style and zoom level, switch between 2D and 3D modes Customize the map display and layers, change the map style and zoom level, switch between 2D and 3D modes Measurement tools Measure distances, areas, and heights Measure distances Measure distances Measure distances Analysis tools Get coordinates, elevation profiles, and object details Get coordinates Get coordinates Get coordinates How to customize the map display and layers?
If you want to customize the map display and layers, you can use the following steps:Click on the "Layers" button on the top left corner of the screen to open the layer panel.
You will see a list of available layers that are grouped by categories, such as ZBGIS, ESKN, RUIAN, LPIS, RGB, ARCHIV, DMR, OFM, GN, etc.
You can check or uncheck any layer to show or hide it on the map.
You can also adjust the transparency of any layer by using the slider next to it.
You can change the order of any layer by dragging and dropping it up or down in the list.
You can click on the "Settings" button next to any layer to open its settings panel.
You can change the theme, scale, or style of any layer by selecting from the drop-down menus.
You can click on the "Close" button to close the layer panel or the settings panel.
How to measure distances, areas, and heights?
If you want to measure distances, areas, or heights on the map, you can use the following steps:Click on the "Tools" button on the top right corner of the screen to open the tools panel.
Select the "Measure" tool from the list of available tools.
You will see three options for measuring: "Distance ", "Area", or "Height".
For the "Distance" option, you can click on any point on the map to start measuring the distance between two or more points. You can click on another point to add a segment to the measurement. You can double-click on the last point to finish the measurement. You will see the total distance and the length of each segment on the bottom panel of the screen.
For the "Area" option, you can click on any point on the map to start measuring the area of a polygon. You can click on another point to add a vertex to the polygon. You can double-click on the last point to close and finish the polygon. You will see the total area and the perimeter of the polygon on the bottom panel of the screen.
For the "Height" option, you can click on any point on the map to start measuring the height of a point or a line. You will see the elevation and slope of the point or the line on the bottom panel of the screen.
You can use the "Clear" button to clear all the measurements from the map and the bottom panel.
You can use the "Close" button to close the tools panel.
How to get coordinates, elevation profiles, and object details?
If you want to get coordinates, elevation profiles, or object details on the map, you can use the following steps:
Click on the "Tools" button on the top right corner of the screen to open the tools panel.
Select the "Info" tool from the list of available tools.
You will see three options for getting information: "Coordinates", "Elevation profile", or "Object details".
For the "Coordinates" option, you can move your mouse cursor over any point on the map to get its coordinates in different formats, such as WGS 84, S-JTSK, ETRS 89, etc. You can also click on any point on the map to copy its coordinates to your clipboard.
For the "Elevation profile" option, you can click on any point on the map to start drawing a line along which you want to get an elevation profile. You can click on another point to add a segment to the line. You can double-click on the last point to finish the line. You will see an elevation profile chart on the bottom panel of the screen that shows the elevation and distance along the line. You can move your mouse cursor over any point on the chart to see the corresponding point on the map and vice versa.
For the "Object details" option, you can click on any object on the map, such as a parcel, a building, a street, a point of interest, etc. to get more details about it on the bottom panel of the screen. You will see information such as the object name, type, ID, address, owner, area, etc. depending on the object.
You can use the "Close" button to close the tools panel.
How to create and export map outputs?
Mapka allows you to create and export map outputs, such as print or save maps as PDF files, or share maps via social media or email. You can use the following steps to create and export map outputs:
Click on the "Output" button on the top right corner of the screen to open the output panel.
You will see three options for creating and exporting map outputs: "Print", "Save as PDF", or "Share".
For the "Print" option, you can click on the "Print" button to open the print dialog box. You can choose your printer settings, such as the paper size, orientation, margins, etc. You can also preview your map before printing it.
For the "Save as PDF" option, you can click on the "Save as PDF" button to save your map as a PDF file. You can choose your file name and location. You can also choose your PDF settings, such as the paper size, orientation, resolution, etc.
For the "Share" option, you can click on the "Share" button to share your map via social media or email. You can choose from a list of available social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. or you can enter your email address and message. You can also copy the link to your map to your clipboard.
You can use the "Close" button to close the output panel.
Summary of the main points
In this article, we have shown you what is Mapka and how to use it. Mapka is a web-based map application that allows you to interact with spatial data and information from various sources in Slovakia. It is a comprehensive tool for displaying, searching, and analyzing spatial data and map services from ZBGIS, ESKN. You can access Mapka by visiting Phone: +421 2 5949 4111
Address: Geodetická 4, 830 05 Bratislava 35, Slovakia
Thank you for reading this article. We hope that you have enjoyed it and learned something new. If you want to test your knowledge and understanding of Mapka, you can try to answer the following FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
What does Mapka stand for and what does it mean?
Mapka stands for "Mala Aplikacia Pre Kataster" in Slovak, which means "Small Application for Cadastre". It is also a Slovak word that means "little map".
What is the main source of spatial data and information in Mapka?
The main source of spatial data and information in Mapka is the cadastre of real estate (ESKN), which is the official register of land parcels, buildings, and owners in Slovakia.
What are some of the other sources of spatial data and information in Mapka?
Some of the other sources of spatial data and information in Mapka are the register of addresses (RUIAN), the register of land (LPIS), the reference geodetic points (RGB), the raster maps from the archive (ARCHIV), the digital model of relief (DMR), the orthophotos (OFM), the geographical names (GN), as well as external data sources and web services.
How can I access Mapka and what are the requirements and compatibility?
You can access Mapka by visiting . You need a device with an internet connection and a web browser that supports HTML5 and JavaScript. Mapka is compatible with most modern web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, etc.
How can I create and export map outputs from Mapka?
You can create and export map outputs from Mapka by using the "Output" button on the top right corner of the screen. You can print or save maps as PDF files, or share maps via social media or email.